Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Easy trick Burn and Make DVD Video with Nero

I have new trick for burning dvd or make dvd that can play on tv screen.Ehmm yesterday i using nero smart essensial for make a dvd if you never burn dvd or make dvd for a better you read my post before make new dvd,cause i have to success make dvd music video so lets follow me.

Burn Dvd With nero:
First you must have video with good quality like mp4,Mpeg1,mpeg2 or avi video cause if your video quality is bad the result when play on tv is not good or frame will broken,and if you want to download video from youtube with good quality like Mpeg or Mp4 read my another post here .

Second open nero smart essentials choose "pHoto and video" and "make your own Dvd ".

Third Add video files and before burning your dvd video you can edit your video with choose "make movie"with this you can edit sound,effect,word and etc, after that you can follow next section,In next section you can make your dvd more creative cause this section specially use for edit menu,template,layout,button and etc.

Fourth press next for preview your work but wait before to burn you must change a little setting for your dvd with press more>> choose video options video mode you can change to PAL .....why i recomended PAL not NTSC cause DVD with format PAL Compatible with a lot of dvd player and cause at this time i use for burning music video,on tab Dvd video change audio format to automatic and press ok and next.

Fifth its finally step beware cause if you make mistake when choose speed for burn,your video will be risk cannot play on tv or dvd player,for speed i suggest for using 6x or 4x and your video already to burn now.
Notice : you must use DVD blank (R or RW) with good quality ,i suggest you to use 85% disk cappacity.........You can use other Nero 9
I hope you can do it self and good luck ............please leave comment if its work thanks .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Submit Website To Many Search Engine WIth Liittle Step

Search engine function is tool that use for search any webpage,blog,image and etc on internet so if we have a website or blog we must submit our blog/site to many seacrh engine in order to search engine can to listing our website,and the point that people can find our website on the internet ,especially if the website you sent in many search engines directory.

For make our website sent to many search engine we must visit one per one dierctory of search engine and submit our site I think it was very tiring especially search engine is very much.
But dont't worry cause now i have little trick so with just one click we can submits our website to various search engines,for realize that you can use IBP Submit software.

When using IBP you only need to fill the form information about your site and follow the instruction ...........ehm and wait so your webiste has been submit to many search engine
Download IBP Submit software

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to (re)flash your Nokia E90 with a different firmware/language pack.

How to (re)flash your Nokia E90 with a different firmware/language pack.

Because I see this question popping up more often and I now even got a PM about this subject, I decided to post a quick How-To about reflashing your Nokia E90 to a different language version.

First of all you will need to download and install the Nokia PC Suite.

You will need this program to 1. make a backup of your phone and 2. you will need it for the USB drivers.
The Nokia PC Suite page can be found here:
You can find a direct download to the latest version 6.84 here:
Now we will install the Nokia Software Updater (NSU) to flash the new firmware to your phone.
you can download the NSU program from this page:
You can find a direct download to the latest version here:
You can check for the availability of a new firmware on this page:

In case of a Nokia E90 with a product code from Singapore (0544485) you can see that currently the latest firmware is version

Finally you will need to download and install the Nemesis Service Suite.
You can find more info about the NSS on the following page:
Download and install the NSS for this direct link (Version NSS103812):
Unzip and Install, you can choose any option but the Virtual USB drive should be okay.
Notice: Without the Nokia PC Suite the NSS will not detect your Nokia phone! Always install the Nokia PC Suite first!

[I do not include screenshots for the following steps, if required PM me ]

Step 1.
Connect your Nokia E90 with the included USB cable and select "PC Suite" as the selectable mode.

Step 2.
Let the Nokia PC Suite detect your telephone and let windows install the required drivers.
This might take a few seconds.

Step 3.
Fire up the Nemesis Service Suite Program.

Step 4.
When in the main program, click on the "scan" button in the top-right of your screen. (the magnifying glass button ;-) )

Step 5.
After NSS detected your phone without errors, click on the "Phone Info" button.

Step 6.
Look for the "Product Data Edit" section to the right of your screen and click the "Read" button to read the current values of your Nokia E90.

Step 7.
You can now enable the "Product Code" line and alter your current Product Code to the required Product Code.

Step 8.
Click on the "Write" button to write the new value to your Nokia E90.

Step 9.
You can now close the NSS and continue by opening the Nokia Software Update program.

Step 10.
Go through all the steps of the NSU program and finally update your firmware.

Currently the firmware for the EMEA and APAC region are the same version except they of course contain different languages and such.
Because of this you might be asked by the NSU program is you really want to reflash your current firmware.
You must click yes or you will end up with the wrong firmware once more.


If you bought your Nokia E90 in the UK you will have the same keyboard layout as the APAC version.
I verified this with my own Nokia E90 which is a UK EMEA 1 version.
For a picture of the APAC keyboard you can click

I altered the product code of my own Nokia E90 from a UK EMEA 1 model to an APAC Singapore version.

0514979: EMEA 1 - UK red
0544485: APAC Singapore - Colour unknown

The EMEA 1 model has the following languages:
English, Dutch, Russian and a 4th language (Either Turkish or Spanish)

I currently have the following languages:
English, Simplified Chinese, Melayu, Indonesian

Remember that when flashing to a different region, you may loose certain pre-installed region specific programs.
In my case I gained a Chinese-English-Chinese dictionary

I will post a list with known product codes for the Nokia E90, both EMEA and APAC in a follow up post.

If you have any questions, advice, comments or just want to flame.... let me know

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Speed UP WIndows Xp (General Trick)

1. Reply to disable the Windows Service is not required.
Because windows intended for different users and tasks, the windows make the truth no service are not necessary. Following Service2 often eat the Resource wrote not a few, with disable (to disable it) then we can get the computer a little boost because of it.

How to disable service above:

1. Click Start> Run> type "services.msc"
2. Double-click the service wrote to changed
3. Change the startup type to 'Disable "

2. System Restore Disable
System restore can be useful if the computer trouble, but all the restore points funded could take a big elbow room on your hard drive. System restore is always a burden for the system monitor, with the disable system restore then some could be allocated to resource wrote other things.

1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click Performance and Maintenance
3. Click System
4. Click the System Restore tab
5. Click 'Turn off System Restore on All Drives'
6. Click 'Ok'

3. Defrag Pagefile
Keeping your pagefile defragmented can provide a major performance boost. One of the best ways of doing this is to Creat a separate partition on your hard drive just for your page file, so that it does not get impacted by normal disk usage. Another way of keeping your pagefile defragmented is to run PageDefrag. This cool little app can be used to defrag your pagefile, and can also be set to defrag the pagefile everytime your PC starts. To install:

1. Download and Run PageDefrag,
2. you tick the "Defrag at next Reboot",
3. Click OK
4. Reboot

4. Accelerating access Folder - with disable Last Access Update.

If you have a lot of folders and subdirectories, then access to the Windows XP Direktory2 very heavy and often waste of time. With the update time stamp on the registry, the last access updates to all sub-directory. Proceed with caution: The following step is not to N00bie

1. Start> Run> regedit
2. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Contr ol \ FileSystem"
3. Right-click on the part and it (look for an empty area of reply), and select 'DWORD Value'
4. Create a DWORD Value with the name 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
5. Right-click the new value and hold select 'Modify'
6. Change the data to be '1 '
7. Click 'OK'

5. To disable Microsoft System Sounds
By default MS makes the computer sound systems sound / noise when booting the start, shutdown, error, etc.. Scenario sound windows makes jelas2 slower computers (particularly in the early shutdown and booting), to disable please follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click the Sounds and Audio Devices
3. Click the Sounds tab
4. Choose "No Sounds" from the Sound Scheme
5. Click "No"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Click "OK"

6. Boot time speed up
Yg pretty cool feature of Windows XP is the ability to defragment when there is in the process of booting. Boot Defrag to set file2that principles relevant to the boot sequence. By default this feature has been activated on several Build of Windows, but some windows build does not, it's good cross-check our reply to this fiotur other one.
1. Start Menu> Run
2. Regedit
3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Dfrg \ BootOpt imizeFunction
4. Search for "Enable" in the right side regedit
5. Click "Modify"
6. Select "Y to enable"
7. Reboot

Bootvis also can be tried, to cut the boot time manufer sweet.

7. Accelerating Performance swapfile
If you have a hair larger than 256MB can say tweaking this reply will make your system run faster. Tweaking is basically a PC we use every byte of physical memory installed on the computer wrote us, BEFORE using a swap file.
1. Start> Run
2. "msconfig.exe"> ok
3. Click the System.ini tab
4. Click the plus sign on the tab 386Enh
5. Click the new box and then type "ConservativeSwapfileUsage = 1"
6. Click OK
7. Restart

8. Loading accelerate Windows Menu
This tweak is tweaking my fav, because our computers will be faster. Tweaking is a waste of time delay when you click on menus and menu showed windows XP.
1. Start> Run
2. Regedit> Ok
3. "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \"
4. Select / Highlight "MenuShowDelay"
5. Right click and select "Modify '
6. Type the number "100"
50-150 is a range of numbers into shape, can be adjusted to your mood

9. Accelerating Loading Program.
This tweaking can walk to most programs. If the program will not load as expected reply, please wrote back to the original settings.
1. Right-click on the icon / shortcut associated with the program wrote.
2. properties
3. In the box 'target', add '/ prefetch: 1' end of the sentence.
4. Click "Ok"
not easy, programs will load faster.

10. Accelerating Shutdown Windows XP.
Tweaking it reduces the waiting time automatically when windows have received instructions for the shutdown.
1. Start> Run
2. 'Regedit'> OK
3. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \'
4. Highlight 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
5. Right click and select modify
6. Change the value to '1000 '
7. Click 'OK'
8. Highlight 'HungAppTimeout'
9. Right click and select modify
10. Change the value to '1000 '
11. Click 'OK'
12. 'HKEY_USERS \. DEFAULT \ Control Panel \ Desktop' highlight WaitToKillAppTimeout '
13. Right click and select modify
15. Change the value to '1000 '
16. Click 'OK'
17. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Contr ol \' highlight 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
19. Right click and select modify
20. Change the value to '1000 '
21. Click 'OK'

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Download Better video (MP4) From Youtube

Who does not know Youtube as streaming video site largest and most comprehensive,we can search any video like music,film,education and etc.
And pulled now we not only can watch it even now we can download videos from youtube.
If before I've give you this trick, but now you can download videos from youtube with good quality, you can save your downloaded videos with Mp4 format.
There two options First you must search your favourite video on youtube "BUt" you can add "HD"
to end article example: your search flying without wings ;you can change with flying without wings HD.
After that if you have installed download helper for firefox add ons , now you just need install new plugin for firefox "Better youtube".
Better youtube work with download helper for easy way download video from youtube,but this time you not only can download video with flv extension but you will give other choice and that is download with Mp4 format.
Ok i think now you can save a better video from youtube with easy way.........please leave a comment if this trick work

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Boost up Your Internet Speed

A few trick for speed up your internet with tweak your mozilla ,this trick only can using on mozilla browser cause this trick change setting of your mozilla.
Write about:config on your mozilla address bar
search this setting;
network.http.max-connections; change to (34)
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy;change to (16)
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server;change to(12)
network.http.pipelining;change to (true)
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests;change to (8)
network.http.pipelining.ssl;change to(true)
network.http.proxy.pipelining;change to(true)
Make new integer ,with click right your mouse fill with (nglayout:initialpaint:delay)and (0)
Save your work or restart with press F5
Now check your internet speed with
I will continue to seek ways how we mempercapat internet connection with other little trick, wait another trick next time

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to convert MTS, TS, M2TS video to AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, FLV, MKV, SWF, MP

I have to read the trick How to convert file mts,ts,m2ts in order to can play in any media like mobile phone,mp4 and etc.
MTS, TS, M2TS is the raw file of AVCHD video. These formats are high-definition MPEG, AVC, H.264 transport stream video file format which commonly used by HD camcorders such as Sony, Canon, Panasonic. Camcorders make use of MTS, TS, M2TS in the form of AVCHD, a recording format made specifically for camcorders..
2: Now there are three professional tools, which are Aiseesoft MTS Converter, Aiseesoft TS Video Converter, Aiseesoft M2TS Video Converter, these program can convert HD video to general video, convert general video to HD video, convert among HD videos, such as HD TS, HD MTS, HD WMV, HD MPG, HD MPEG4, H.264/AVC , HD AVI, HD ASF, etc at fastest speed and excellent image/sound quality with least quality loss.

Now the following content will show you how to convert MTS video
Step 0: Install and run Aiseesoft MTS Converter

Step 1: Click "Add File" button, it would pop up one window, and select the file you want to convert on this window.
Step 2: Choose output format
Select output format you want from the “Profile” drop down list.
Note: Click "Settings"button, you can set your video and audio parameters, click "ok" after seted video and audio parameters.
Step 3: Click the "Start" button to start your conversion.
Just wait a moment, then your conversion will be finished.

Some powerful functions such as "Merge", "Trim", "Effect", "Snapshot", "Crop" are all available.

This MTS converter supports input, output video formats and devices are as following:
Support inputting video formats:

Supporting profile formats:
More reliable video to audio or audio to audio conversion

Support all popular players:
The converted video or audio files are high compatible with iPod, iPhone, iPhone 3G, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Wii, Zune, Xbox, Xbox 360, Google Phone, Sony Walkman, Archos, Creative Zen, iRiver, BlackBerry, Palm Pre, Motorola, LG, Sony Ericsson, Mobile Phone, etc.

The steps to handle TS video convesion and M2TS video conversion is similar to the above.

So look, the conversion work is so easy, everyone can be the master of those programs, what are you waiting, just have a try now!